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  • Writer's pictureKenza

Databases vs. Search Engines

Search engines are more helpful when you are trying to find information that doesn't go to far in detail and is only for very light research. But databases are very good for heavy research as they have information that's easily accessible. Databases are also very accurate and most, if not all, the information on databases is true and secure because all the information is written by people who know what they're talking about. But on search engines you don't know who or where your information is from and it might not always be secure.

Wikipedia is a good example of this. You probably know that Wikipedia is most definitely not the best source to use for research as it is notorious for having edited pages with false information on them. Perhaps you've even edited a Wikipedia page as a joke. This doesn't mean that you can't use Wikipedia at all, it's a good source when you just want to use it to obtain some knowledge about your source before doing any actual research. But definitely don't use it as an actual source. Some databases that I will most likely use to conduct my research are: Britannica Online to read more about homelessness, and Newspaper Archive so I can try to find articles that might help me in this project.

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