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  • Writer's pictureKenza

Project Sharing and Reflection

Now this project has come to its end. Even though my partner and I will continue working on this throughout the summer, we have already made our poster boards to display our idea to our peers. Through this project I learned many things about homelessness that I didn't know before. For example:

-Seattle is the city with the third highest homeless population in the U.S.A.

-The leading cause of homelessness is loss of a job

-About 25% of homeless people are youth.

Throughout this project there were many challenges. My partner and I had very conflicting schedules, and we could never seem to find a time when both of us were available to work on the poster board presentation until very close to when it was due.

Another one was how many times we changed the idea. At first, I was working separately on a different project and then I changed to this one. And then my partner joined and we change the project a little bit once more.

One last challenge that we are still facing, even now, is the fact that not many people are donating to the GoFundMe, and without enough money we can't construct the kits. If you would like to donate, here is the link:

Even though there were all these challenges, I'm pretty happy with how the project has turned out so far. Doing Genius Hour was really fun because it was nice to have some class time once in a while to work on my own thing. Doing the presentation was also extremely enjoyable because I had a partner to do it with and it was cool sharing our project with other people. I think the most successful thing about our presentation was the poster. It had a lot of important information on it and was aesthetically pleasing at the same time. Improvements that could be made would be on the actual presenting part. Our presentation wasn't long enough to fill the five minutes that it was supposed to, and often times at the end of it there was about 45 seconds of awkward silence.

Some ideas that I got from other student's presentation was to pass out a slip of paper with the link to the GoFundMe so that the listeners could donate if they wanted to. I got that idea from a presenter who passed out word searches with words that related to her topic.

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