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  • Writer's pictureKenza

TED Talks

We will soon be presenting our courage projects and their results to the rest of our class. We will present them in our own mini TED Talks. There are five qualities that every great presenter should have:

1. Confidence

- It brings power to your presentation and shows how much you care about your topic.

- You can increase your confidence by thoroughly knowing your topic.

2. Organization

- Organization helps the audience remember what you are trying to say.

- Possible organization methods are chronological order, logic, or compare and contrast.

3. Authenticity

- To be authentic you need to be yourself.

- Authenticity lets listeners know that you have skin in the game.

4. Generosity

- If you give more in your speech, the audience will take away more as well.

- Generosity includes being generous with your time and maybe giving away any company products that you may have.

5. Engagement

- A good presenter is also a good storyteller, who is able to connect stories and important learning points in the presentation to engage listeners.

Five tips for when you are presenting are: to let your passion show, make the audience laugh, optimize your slides, use powerful visuals, and simplify your messages.

My strengths as a presenter are:

- Once I get off to a good start, I begin to realize that it isn't that bad. Then most of the time the rest of the presentation will go smoothly.

- If I have a partner, it relieves a lot of the pressure of the presentation because I know that if I mess up, my partner will be able to save us and vice versa. Luckily, I do have a partner!

Some presenting challenges that I have are:

- When I get nervous, I start to talk faster. It doesn't help that I already talk fast without trying to when I'm having a normal conversation. To overcome this I think I'll just have to make a mental note to slow down while presenting.

- If I get off to a bad start, then I will be nervous for the rest of the presentation, which sometimes leads to an excess of me tripping over words or forgetting what I'm supposed to say next. To prevent this, I will practice the beginning excessively so that I don't mess it up.

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