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  • Writer's pictureKenza

Ideas for the Courage Project

Updated: Mar 7, 2019

Welcome to my website! In the video page, you learned about my Courage Project assignment and about Genius Hour.  I am excited about being able to do something that will (hopefully) positively benefit the world's well-being, and maybe mine I well! Some challenges I foresee are the fact that I tend to procrastinate (which I am working on), making sure that I stay organized, and making a clear decision about what my project will be. For my Courage Project I am working alone. While working alone is something that will ensure I don't get distracted from the project, or have to constantly coordinate things so there is no confusion, having a partner would make it so that I have someone to share the workload with & have fun with. I am sure that at some times I will wish that I have a partner, but all in all it will most likely be the beat choice for someone like me who easily gets distracted when with other people. But having a partner would make it easier to generate new ideas. Right now I'm having a sort of 'idea-block' Here are some of the ideas I have so far:

1)Every week/two weeks/month I would choose a new world country to learn about. I would try to learn some of the national language (unless I already know it) and cook one of their national dishes.

2)Raising awareness for the pride parade and trying to get a group of people to come with me to it in June. The only problem with this idea is that the pride parade is after the date the we have to turn this assignment in, so I wouldn't get to include a part about going to the parade on my poster.

3)I would have my mom only speak to me in her native language until I picked it up. It's nice to stay in connection with your roots!

4) Help homeless people (especially women) get back on their feet by handing out bags with hygiene products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, pads, tampons, etc.

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